Year 9 GCSE Options

Year 9 GCSE Options

About Southend High School for Girls

Year 9 Options - GCSE Choices 2025

As a school we believe that a broad and rich curriculum in Years 7, 8 and 9 should become more personalised in Years 10 and 11.  This will provide the best start for the more specialised curriculum in the sixth form.  There are certain caveats to this.  In order to continue the breadth of your education we do insist that at least one humanity subject is studied (history, geography or religious studies) and at least one modern foreign language is taken (Spanish, German or French). There will be an informal audition for GCSE music (just to confirm your playing standard) and some subject choice combinations may require an additional discussion to check that they fit with career aspirations.  Other than that, please be guided by what you have a real curiosity for, what you really enjoy and what will help you to compete for those world class opportunities that you aspire to.  Please make use of staff when evaluating your choices.  Your Form Tutor, Head of Year and subject teachers will be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

After the Parents’ Information Evening you will receive a link to the online options selection website.  This would be used to select your options. Once all of the choices have been made the school will endeavour to create a timetable that accommodates as many of these combinations as possible. On the rare occasion that a combination cannot be accommodated your Head of Year will meet with you and talk through your choices.  This will include looking at your reserve subject choice.

Key Dates

23rd January 2025

Year 9 GCSE Options Launch Assembly

28th January 2025

Year 9 Options Fair

3rd February 2025 - 14th February 2025

GCSE Subject Presentations

6th March 2025

Year 9 Parents’ Evening

14th March 2025

Deadline for GCSE subject choices

25th April 2025

Confirmation of GCSE subject choices

A commonly asked question is why are some subjects important to my career choice only available at A Level (sociology, psychology, economics and politics) but not offered as a GCSE and will that restrict my choices later on? The simple answer is that these subjects offer a rich and rewarding experience at A Level and that prior study is not necessary to be successful in the subject at that level. It also means that when you choose your A Level options you have a wider range of subjects to choose from. The Sixth Form prospectus includes the specific entry requirements for these subjects. You will participate in various activities in Year 10 and  11 to help you with your choices at A Level.

The school will do its utmost to accommodate student choices, however, some subjects are limited in the number of students that they can take due to health and safety guidelines, staffing and financial constraints.   In the situation where a subject is oversubscribed, any applications for that subject made after the deadline will be discounted, the remaining places will then be allocated through random selection.

It just remains for me to wish you the very best of luck with your choices and I look forward to talking to you over the next few weeks.

H Riebold

Assistant Headteacher

GCSE Subject Choices 2025

Art & Design


Business Studies



Combined Science

Computer Science

Design and Technology: Graphics and Product Design

Design and Technology: Textiles


English Language

English Literature

Food Preparation & Nutrition






Media Studies


Physical Education


Religious Studies


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